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TZB-info - Gateway to the world of specialized information

TZB-info is an Internet resource specialising in information on construction, energy savings, and the related fields collectively referred to as mechanical and electrical systems usually known as building services (in Czech abbreviated as TZB). Its primary focus lies within the construction of buildings and energy issues related thereto. Whether you're looking for heating, electricity, heat loss reduction or building efficiency, the portal offers up-to-date information on the developments in those fields every day. The information presented by TZB-info is carefully selected and edited, serving a diverse audience of professionals ranging from designers to installers but also the general public. TZB-info records 750,000 visits every month. read whole text

Latest reviewed editorial research papers in the field of building services engineering


Pasivní chlazení geotermálními vrty

26.8.2024 | Ing. Pavel Dědina, Gerotop spol. s r.o.

Inspections of heating and ventilation systems above 70 kW. Determination of the efficiency of combustion heat sources

12.8.2024 | Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka
The efficiency of the combustion source during the mandatory inspection of the heating and ventilation system according to the Energy Management Act can only be measured during the heating season and with a properly calibrated flue gas analyzer.
Tepelné čerpadlo, foto © TZB-infoHeating

Pokročilé odlaďování softwaru pro řízení systémů s tepelnými čerpadly: proč je to potřeba a jak se to dá řešit?

5.8.2024 | Ing. Erika Langerová, ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov
Ventilating and Air-Conditioning

Asbestos and Inorganic Fibres in Indoor Air

27.3.2024 | doc. Ing. František Skácel, CSc., Ing. Viktor Tekáč, Ph.D.
As a consequence of the growing production and use of asbestos and inorganic fibres, measurement of their concentration in indoor air is of great importance. The relevant legal regulations require the measurement. Various methods were developed for the purpose, based on collecting airborne particles in capillary membrane filters and subsequent determination of their number concentration. Remediation of buildings with fiber-containing construction elements is an essential part of any reconstruction.
© Fotolia.comVentilating and Air-Conditioning

Testing Newly Developed Technologies for Sanitisation of Surfaces and Air Inside Buildings

29.12.2023 | RNDr. Bohumil Kotlík, Ph.D., pplk. Ing. Jiří Matějka
The paper relates the results of efficiency tests of specific application methods of surface and air remediation in the indoor environment of buildings, the scope and supply of which have significantly expanded in connection with the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. The tests were focused on the most frequently offered procedures, i.e. on the use of open and closed (air purifiers) sources of UV-C radiation, fumigation (use of biocides) and ozonation. Special attention is paid to fulfilling the wording of related EU laws and regulations and compliance with safety principles in the application of these procedures in the work and municipal environments. We also give examples of numerous problems and shortcomings in the application of these technologies.
Water and Drainage

Concept of the Technical Solutions of Selected Reservoirs in the Morava Basin

25.8.2024 | Ing. Eliška Grmelová, prof. Ing. Jaromír Říha, CSc.
Current climate changes require adjustments in water management. One of the technical measures is the construction of reservoirs. Already in 1953, locations for future reservoir construction were designated under the State water management plan of the Czechoslovak Republic. Currently, these locations are recorded in the General Plan for Areas Protected for Surface Water Accumulation. Number of protected locations has changed over time, from the original 518 to the current 86. For a more detailed concept of water management and technical solutions have been selected six reservoirs from the Morava River Basin: Borovnice, Kuřimské Jestřabí, Vysočany, Brodce, Plaveč, and Bělkovice. The schemes will provide volume about 120 mil. m3 with total take-off up to 2.5 m3/s. They will ensure a minimum residual flow under the dam and enable the production of hydropower with a total output of 0.5 MW. The Bělkovice scheme was chosen to demonstrate the solution.
Water and Drainage

Hydraulic Conductivity of Filter Materials Made from Recycled Aggregates

21.8.2024 | Ing. Ondřej Zedník, doc. Ing. Michal Kriška, Ph.D.
Constructed treatment wetlands use a system of filter beds as the main treatment stage. Currently, the most used type of filter is the vertical flow bed, which is formed by layers of natural aggregates. The suitability of a material for use in the filter body is determined, among other things, by its hydraulic conductivity. For the main filtration layers of vertical filters, it is necessary to meet the required value of the saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient located in the range of 10−4–10−3 m s−1. This article focuses on the determination of the hydraulic conductivity of recycled aggregates made from brick and concrete. The conductivity of raw materials is approximately 10−5 m s−1, but for materials treated by washing the saturated conductivity values are in the required range.
Water and Drainage

Čištění vodovodního potrubí řízeným proplachováním po úsecích – přínosy, dostupné metody a nástroje

14.8.2024 | Ing. Jan Ručka, Ph.D., Ing. Markéta Rajnochová, Ing. Aleš Haška
The article deals with the current issue of the quality of drinking water, which is supplied by public water supply systems. In the past, a method and a machine (the Astacus robot) were developed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the BUT in Brno for cleaning water pipes using the method of controlled flushing. Both tools have been introduced into operational practice and bring good results. Public water supply pipes can thus be cleaned efficiently, cheaply and with a smaller amount of flushing water than has been done so far. This cleaning can be carried out by water network technicians themselves, for which they use the Astacus flushing robot. Based on a simple instruction that is read from the map of the water network, this machine calculates the parameters of the flushing procedure and then performs the flushing. The benefit of Astacus technology is the automated collection, evaluation and reporting of data on the temperature, pressure and flow of water in pipes, which is carried out during pipe cleaning.
Water and Drainage

Pokročilé oxidační procesy a ekologické způsoby čištění odpadních vod

2.8.2024 | Ing. Ondřej Kosík, prof. Ing. Petr Hlavínek, CSc.
Concern for the aquatic environment is nowadays causing an increased awareness of the presence of pharmaceuticals in wastewater. In the context of the European legislation, which is currently in the approval process, a set of requirements for all wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) will be given to remove chosen pharmaceuticals. The objective of this work is to determine the efficacy of the various nature-based solutions (NBS) for additional micropollutant removal. In this study, the additional removal rate of 25 pharmaceuticals performed by NBS after standard WWTP processes coupled with ozonation post-treatment unit, with 5 mg·l−1 ozone doses, was in the range 17-77 %, depending on given NBS. Best results among NBS showed granulated activated carbon (AC) with average removal rate of 76,8 %.
Foto © ELyrae, Fotolia.comRenewable Energy

Fotovoltaické elektrárny: Globální instalace a růst v roce 2023

25.7.2024 | prof. Ing. Vítězslav Benda, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, Katedra elektrotechnologie
Photovoltaics is becoming the fastest growing segment of energy production in the world.
The article introduces the current state of photovoltaics in the world. It indicates the current installed capacity of photovoltaic systems (total cumulative and annually installed power) and the share of individual countries in the installed cumulative and annually installed power. It also deals with the share of photovoltaics in electricity production in selected countries and compares this share with the global average and the EU average. It also deals with changes in photovoltaic module technologies, change trends and prices of photovoltaic modules and provides information on the development of the annual production capacity of the largest manufacturers of photovoltaic modules.
Renewable Energy

Possibilities of using PV systems in the operation of apartment buildings in Slovakia

23.4.2024 | prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD., MSc. Pavol Kaňuch, Ing. Petr Maule, MBA
PV systems are gaining ground as a standard for family homes. Apartment buildings are lagging behind, but design optimization and community energy bring new possibilities.
Renewable Energy

Calculation Tool for Balancing Buildings with Photovoltaic Systems

5.2.2024 | Ing. Jiří Novotný, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, ČVUT v Praze
The design of a photovoltaic system taking into account heat loss, external and internal gains, the method of heating and water heating is made possible by a calculation tool created for the balancing of buildings with photovoltaic systems. In the example, combinations of FS with a heat pump or with an electric boiler are compared.
Foto © luchschenF, Fotolia.comElectrical Engineering

A True Digital Transformation of the Company and a Unified Integrated Operating Environment

2.4.2024 | Ing. Jiří Holoubek, prezident Elektrotechnická asociace České republiky
IT systems in companies are often incompatible and their data communication is very complicated. A unified, integrated operating environment ensures real online communication not only of technological devices, but also technology for quality monitoring, systems for order planning, service and maintenance, as well as energy management.
Electrical Engineering

Fiber-optic FBG Sensors

25.1.2021 | Ing. Radim Šifta, Ph.D., NETWORK GROUP, s.r.o.
The paper describes special types of fiber optic point sensors based on FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) and FP (Fabry-Perót) structures. First part of the paper deals with principle of FBG and FP and their exposition. Next part is focused on different types of FBG and FP sensors and principle of interrogation units. Finally practical examples of use are listed.
Electrical Engineering

Fiber Optic Sensors

20.1.2021 | Ing. Radim Šifta, Ph.D., NETWORK GROUP, s.r.o.
The paper deals with special types of sensors that use optical fibers to measure various non-electrical quantities. The introduction describes the principle of light transmission in optical fibers and their applications. Main part is focused on fiber-optic sensors and their dividing. Special attention is paid to the distribution sensory systems and their practical application.

Provozní prohlídky výtahů

24.8.2015 | Ing. Bohuslav Kratěna, Unie výtahového průmyslu České republiky

Poznatky z prověřování (auditu) firem provádějících servis na výtazích

20.7.2015 | Vladimír Hulena, pověřený HK ČR k provádění auditu
CSN 27 4002 2014 Safety rules for lifts - Operation and service of lifts has introduced a new term by an authorized service company. It is the transparency of professional competence companies in servicing elevators, to owners / operators can better decide with whom an agreement that service because it has a major impact on their responsibility to ensure the safe operation of elevators. Therefore, for this situation was the subject of speculation, it was decided to examine service firms independent commissioners, contracted authorizing body, in this case, the Chamber of Commerce, which, when positive evaluation subsequently issue a certificate of authorization, and the company name may Authorized service company use.

News in the standards and audits for elevator industry

28.7.2014 | Ing. Jan Dvořák, Ing. Bohuslav Kratěna, Vladimír Hulena
Union for Elevator Industry summarizes the most important news in the standards and audits, as presented at the seminar Elevators 2014. This includes controversy with a new concept of authorized service company that has been published on our portal in advance.
Zákaz používání výtahu za požáru - výtah neslouží k evakuaci osobElevators

Standards in the projects in terms of fire safety of elevators

21.7.2014 | plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR
Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection.

Analysis of the Current State of Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Possibilities for Further Development of Its Use

29.7.2024 | doc. Ing. Miroslav Škopán, CSc., VUT v Brně, asociace ARSM
The paper deals with the analysis of mineral construction and demolition waste management in the Czech Republic between 2007 and 2022. The analysis is based on data from the Czech Environmental Information Agency. It has been shown that the production of recycled mineral construction and demolition waste has quadrupled in this period and that the share of recycled mineral construction waste in the market of mineral materials for the construction industry is around 15%.

Metodika pro obce zaměřená na zvyšování třídění odpadů

26.4.2024 | doc. Ing. Mgr. Jana Soukopová, Ph.D., Ing. Dominika Tóthová, Ph.D.

Cogeneration unit as a source of heat and electricity for a biomethane station

22.4.2024 | Ing. Radovan Illith, PhD., SPP – distribúcia, a.s.
Evaluation of the conditions and prerequisites for deploying a cogeneration unit that will serve as a source of electrical and thermal energy for an agricultural cooperative that plans to operate a biomethane station.
Facility management

Monitoring of Energy Consumption for Heating and Hot Water in an Apartment Building from 1932 to the Present

1.7.2024 | prof. Ing. Leonard Hobst, CSc., Ing. Monika Doležalová, Ing. Pavel Klika, Ph.D.
The preserved detailed data on the consumption of fuel (coke) for heating and hot water preparation in functionalist apartment building from the 1930s led to the idea to compare the energy consumption of these buildings at the time of their construction with the present day and to observe how the modernization interventions in both the heating system and the actual construction of the building are manifested and to quantify these modernization interventions.
Facility management

Information System for the Management and Operation of the Transport Area

28.5.2024 | Ing. Jan Tichý, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, Ph.D.
The article largely copies the fourth chapter of the book Transport infrastructure management in context, which was recently published by VŠLG o.p.s. in Přerov. The entire book captures the links between the construction of transport infrastructure, its management and traffic operations in a unique way. All mentioned pillars of the book are described in an economic context with a focus on many information contexts.


Heating | Ventilating and Air-Conditioning | Water and Drainage | Renewable Energy | Electrical Engineering | Energetics

Latest reviewed editorial research papers in the field of construction

Shell Construction

Prehľad aktuálnych výpočtových metód krížom lepeného lamelového dreva na účinky pretlačenia

9.9.2024 | Ing. Michal Kázsmér, Stavebna fakulta STU v Bratislave, Katedra kovových a drevených konštrukcií
This publication compares simplified analytical methods for calculating the resistance in compression of a locally supported floor slab made of cross-laminated timber (CLT). The work compares the simplified models according to Mestek and Muster. The reference experiment was taken from Mestek's dissertation. Comparison of these analytical models showed that none of the analytical models could accurately predict the failure of the specimen, leading to uneconomical design.
Shell Construction

Pre-demolition Audit and Dismantling of the Building as a Standard Demolition Procedure

12.8.2024 | doc. Ing. Tereza Pavlů, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Pešta
The contribution summarizes the fundamental chapters of the transported standard to re-demolition audit and building dismantling as a standard procedure for structure removal. The purpose of the standard will be to prescribe how the pre-demolition audit should proceed, what information it should contain, and how the deconstruction of the building should take place, in order to achieve the maximum possible utilization of the obtained materials. The motivation is primarily the return of quality raw materials to production and the reduction of primary resource extraction, which is one of the goals of sustainable development.
Shell Construction

Analýza porúch zákrytovej dosky novej kanalizačnej čerpacej stanice

21.7.2024 | Ing. Miloš Slivanský, PhD., Ing. Ádám Vařga
After its installation on the site, the new prefabricated reinforced concrete plate showed visible defects, mainly numerous cracks. Therefore, during the diagnostic inspection, the criteria of integrity and shape compactness (damages, cracks, deformations, imperfections, etc.) and the surface treatment were assessed.
Shell Construction

Úroveň dosiahnutí návrhovej odolnosti CLT panelov v ohybe a hodnoty predpätia

15.7.2024 | doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, CSc., Ing. Viktória Bajzecerová, Ph.D.
The bonding of solid timber panels and fresh concrete for shear bonding is considered to be very effective and almost perfectly rigid, but the effect of concrete shrinkage is negatively reflected in the increase in deflection. Elimination of these deflections is only possible by sufficient uplift, which cannot be achieved by conventional bracing during construction, but only by prestressing. The technical solution of the prestressed prestressed CLT-concrete panel consisted of buckling the CLT panel in the clamping device up to the level of 1/100 of the span and the subsequent application of adhesive and fresh concrete. After the concrete hardened and the anchorage was released, the prestressing was introduced into the clamped panel. The measurements confirmed that the chosen prestress value to achieve the design flexural resistance of the CLT panels proved to be adequate and sufficient to eliminate deflection from the action of self weight and concrete shrinkage.
Insulation, Roofs, Facades

Recycled Plastics in Construction, their Applications and Composites Usable in Construction Practice

2.9.2024 | Ing. Miriam Ledererová, PhD., STU Stavebná fakulta Bratislava
Plastic waste in the construction industry can consist of various plastics such as polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, ABS, polystyrene, polycarbonate. Plastic waste in construction can come from packaging, insulation and other materials. Plastic waste not generated in the construction industry is also recoverable. The best way is to recycle plastic waste into materials that can be used for building materials, fillings, structures, etc. They can also be used in the production of lightweight concrete.
Insulation, Roofs, Facades

Návrh ploché dřevěné střechy dle pravidel CSS

1.9.2024 | Bc. Karol Plaštiak, Cech strechárov Slovensko
In the architecture of the 20th century, as well as in contemporary modern architecture, we can observe the high popularity of flat roof constructions in massive constructions of masonry and monolithic structures. It is therefore logical that there are many practical rules for this type of flat roof construction. There are not so many technical rules and recommendations for flat roof structures made of wood and in wooden buildings in Czech and Slovak countries due to the loss of traditions for this material and details during the socialist period. Therefore, the need for low prices has in the recent past enabled the realisation of flat roof projects made of wood and in wooden buildings, which, due to both incorrect planning and errors in implementation, have led to damage to the structures. In response to these problems on the market, the Slovak Roofers Association had a technical committee created. The task of the commission is to compile a complement to the CSS rules for the construction of flat roofs made of wood and in wooden buildings. The inspiration is the currently valid STN standards, supplemented by good examples of constructions and details of compositions from the D-A-CH countries, which have a long tradition with wood as a material in constructions.
Insulation, Roofs, Facades

Statické poruchy a posúdenie technického stavu transparentnej fasády

19.8.2024 | Ing. Miloš Slivanský, PhD., SvF STU v Bratislave
Transparent facades are a modern trend in multifunctional or administrative buildings. In an effort to achieve light load-bearing structure possible, developers are often inspired by solutions used abroad, but do not pay enough attention to the correct solution of the structural system and/or connections. Sometimes they do not sufficiently evaluate the essential technical contexts or boundary conditions for a specific project. It can result in a serious malfunctions and when a combination of several unfavorable factors is included, even their crash - especially if, in the case of transparent facades, where a very fragile material such as glass is involved.
Insulation, Roofs, Facades

Pevnostné parametre spojov fóliových hydroizolácií

5.8.2024 | doc. Ing. ad Ing. arch. Milan Palko, PhD., Ing. Adela Palková, PhD.
Windows, Doors

Principles of Installation and Drawing Opening Fillers - Part 2: Doors

16.9.2024 | Ing. Zuzana Rácová, Ph.D., Ing. Aneta Libecajtová, Ph.D.
The article focused on the issue of installing door panels in interior vertical load-bearing and partition structures. The paper presents selected types of door panels primarily used in apartments and family houses, describes the principles of their installation, and their depiction in drawing documentation in accordance with the ČSN 01 3420 standard for drawing construction parts. It is necessary to correctly and clearly apply the rules of the standard to the depiction of currently used door panels.
Windows, Doors

Principy osazování a zakreslování otvorových výplní – Díl 1: Okna

8.4.2024 | Ing. Zuzana Rácová, Ph.D., Ing. Aneta Libecajtová, Ph.D.
The article is focused on the issue of installing windows in external walls and their drawing in accordance with the standard ČSN 01 3420 Construction drawings - Presentation of general arrangement drawings. The paper highlights the obsolescence of previous solutions in light of current requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings and technological advancements in construction. Specifically, it is focused on the principles of installing opening fillings, including thermal and technical requirements, and technological aspects. It is shown that incorporating new technological processes and energy efficiency requirements necessitates reflecting these changes in the project documentation as well. Furthermore, the article addresses the depiction of current solutions in construction practice in accordance with the ČSN 01 3420 standard at scales of 1:50 and 1:20.
Foto ©Ingo Bartussek - Fotolia.comWindows, Doors

Thermal Properties of Double Window and Modern Construcions Jamb

20.3.2023 | Ing. Lucie Kudrnáčová, Ph.D, ČVUT v Praze, Kloknerův ústav, Oddělení stavebních materiálů
The paper deals with the comparison of the thermal properties of jamb for different types of windows. In the case of reconstruction, it is often necessary to preserve the original double- windows or to use modern materials due to the thermal solution of the building. Modern constructions mean the use of double or single windows with thermal-insulating glazing. These changes in the construction of the window have an effect on the thermal processes on the structure. One of the important parameters for the assessment of the building structure is the assessment of the internal surface temperature of the building structure. This article shows the difference in finishes and heat flows to remove different types of windows. The reference window for comparison is the original double history window. The results were found in a model environment in 2D software.
Foto ©ddzphoto- Pixabay.comWindows, Doors

Point Connections for Load Bearing Structures

27.2.2023 | Ing. Michaela Zdražilová, Ing. Zdeněk Sokol, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Martina Eliášová, CSc.
Contemporary architecture often works with glass facades, roofs or even glass columns and beams. The problematic part of a glass structure design is usually a connection between the glass elements and the rest of structure. In order to achieve as much transparency as possible, various mechanical point fixing systems, adhesive connections and their combinations were developed. Although being widely used, the design procedure is mostly based on experiments. There is ongoing research at the Czech Technical University in Prague focusing on characteristics of an embedded laminated connection under various types of loads. Within the initial phase of experiments, small scale specimens consisting of different glass and foil types were tested. The experiments revealed the tensile, eccentric shear and compressive short-term load-bearing capacity of the connection and a dominant mode of failure. Data obtained from the tests are going to be used for further numerical simulations and a parametrical study.
Floors, Partition Walls, Surfaces

Analysis and Use of Treated Plasterboard Recyclate in Gypsum Mixtures for Block Production

27.5.2024 | Ing. Zdeněk Prošek, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Pavel Tesárek, Ph.D., Ing. Hana Sekavová, Ing. Jiří Podolský
In the presented paper, the results of the use of modified gypsum-based recyclate obtained from construction and demolition waste are analyzed. The selected recyclate comes from a real construction site of Moravostav Brno, a.s. and was subjected to modifications using a newly developed gypsum plasterboard recycling line. During the research, the influence of the recyclate treatment, especially in terms of grinding fineness, on the key properties of the dry gypsum mixture was monitored. Substitution of gypsum (or gypsum binder) in the mix was carried out in proportions of 10, 25 and 50 wt%. The resulting properties, such as bulk density, flexural tensile strength, compressive strength, volumetric changes and shrinkage, were monitored after 7 days of sample production.
In a follow-up step, gypsum blocks using treated gypsum recyclate and the designed dry gypsum slurry were semi-produced at Moravostav Brno, a.s. in January 2024. A segment of the wall was constructed from the blocks.
The results obtained clearly show that with appropriate treatment, it is possible to effectively replace part of the gypsum binder in the dry gypsum mixture using modified gypsum recyclate. These findings provide important information for the advanced use of gypsum plasterboard recycling in the construction industry, while highlighting the potential for more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in building materials.
Floors, Partition Walls, Surfaces

The Effect of Alternative Raw Material Containing Mineralized Spruce Chips on Parameters of Wood-cement Composites

22.4.2024 | Ing. Tomáš Melichar, Ph.D., Ing. Silvestr Vasas, Ing. Šárka Keprdová, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc.
This paper presents research focused on studying the behaviour and properties of wood-cement composites under changes in relative humidity. The behaviour and the resulting changes in properties with variations in air (relative) humidity are significantly influenced by the chips contained. The chips are mineralised or stabilised during the manufacturing process. The by-product (particle mixture) from the production of cement-bonded particleboards, which was used to modify the composition of the composites, already contained mineralised spruce chips (i.e. stabilised properties and structure). The goal of the research was to study the sorption mechanisms in terms of dimensional and volumetric changes, including the assessment of the composite materials' performance properties (density, strength characteristics and modulus of elasticity). Thus, the influence of spruce chips stabilization in terms of different matrix compositions of the composites was also partially, indirectly analysed. Three variants of composites were tested - 2 types of reference (based on Portland and blended cement); 1 type with modification of the binder and filler with particle mixture produced during the production of cement particleboards (4% cement substitution, 4% substitution of primary chips). For the determination of each point of the sorption curves, the test bodies were always exposed to a given moisture content for a period of time to allow their mass to settle. The sorption isotherms indicate the different behaviour of the plates during the increase and decrease of the ambient air humidity. Differences were also observed in the case of hysteresis. The modification of the composition of the mixture for the production of cement-bonded particleboards has an effect, among other things, on the stabilisation of the spruce chips. The changes in physical and mechanical properties are practically negligible in terms of the practical use of the boards with modified composition.
Zlatý certifikát SBToolCZLow Energy Buildings

SBToolCZ. The Latest Online Version of the National Building Sustainability Assessment Methodology

6.2.2023 | Ing. Kateřina Klepačová, Ing. Magdaléna Novotná, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Volf, Ph.D., Ing. Jakub Diviš, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Růžička, Ph.D.
ilustrační foto: Main Point Karlín © TZB-infoLow Energy Buildings

Environmental Certification of Buildings - the Situation in the Czech Republic

30.4.2021 | Ing. Zuzana Mrňová, VUT FAST Brno, Ústav stavební ekonomiky a řízení
A responsible approach to the environment is not only related to corporate ecology, but is also increasingly reflected in the design and construction of buildings, which is closely related to the concept of sustainable construction of buildings. With the development of sustainable construction, the need arose to evaluate buildings and their impact on the environment. For this reason, environmental certifications of buildings have been developed, which assess how a building affects its surroundings during its life cycle.
The aim of this article is to find out which environmental certifications exist in the world and which of them are most often used in the Czech Republic. Finally, the certifications are compared and their main differences are described.
ilustrační obrázek © starush - Fotolia.comLow Energy Buildings

Stavebně-energetické koncepce budov ve společenských souvislostech

8.2.2021 | prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc., ČVUT Praha, pracoviště UCEEB | Dřevo&Stavby Profispeciál 2020
Wooden Buildings

Přínos 2. generace Eurokódu 5 pro navrhování dřevostaveb

8.7.2024 | doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. arch. Bc. Anna Gregorová
Wood buildings, i.e. buildings in which wood and wood-based products are the dominant material used, are currently the subject of growing interest among developers and the professional public. This is mainly due to the fact that they offer an alternative way of constructing safe buildings with great environmental benefits. The prerequisites for their greater implementation are then created by new versions of European standards. In this paper some new procedures for their design according to the 2nd generation of Eurocode 5 are presented.
Wooden Buildings

Vývoj konstrukčního řešení prefabrikovaného rámového systému pro dřevostavby

18.12.2023 | Ing. Martin Hataj, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Pošta, Ph.D., Ing. Pavla Novotná
Within the framework of the project "Prefabricated recyclable timber-based frame building system", a new building system is being developed, the main load-bearing elements of which are rigid frames made of timber-based material. The principal investigator of the project is ecokit s.r.o. and the co-principal investigator is UCEEB CTU. This paper presents the development of the load-bearing structure of the frame system.
Wooden Buildings

Ochrana dřeva, trvanlivost povrchové úpravy dřevěných fasád a teras

2.10.2023 | Ing. Petr Ptáček, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB
The protection of wood in wooden buildings does not seem to be very important due to their location in use class 1 or 2 according to ČSN EN 335, but it is particularly suitable for timber elements that are located close to the foundation slab or are difficult to replace. It follows from the majority of recurring defects, for example plumbing failures, leaks through the roof, facade, inappropriate terrain height around the base plate or as a result of a tornado, that it is necessary to protect at least the foundation threshold according to the structure of the wooden building, preferably up to use class 4 according to ČSN EN 335, which is only possible by pressure impregnation.
Stěnový panel se svisle orientovanými OSB deskami při experimentálním testováníWooden Buildings

Analýza vlivu orientace desek opláštění na horizontální únosnost a tuhost stěnových panelů dřevostaveb

10.7.2023 | prof. Ing. Antonín Lokaj, Ph.D., Ing. David Mikolášek, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Dobeš, Ph.D., Ing. Marek Johanides, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Mynarčík, Ph.D.
The paper deals with the experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of the orientation of large-area sheathing panels of load-bearing wall panels of wooden buildings. The experimental results were then compared with the numerical model in SCIA Engineer and with the analytical calculation.
Building Regeneration

Non-destructive Determination of Building Stone Provenance

26.8.2024 | Mgr. Kateřina Kovářová MBA, Ph.D,, Ing. Eva Matoušková, Ph.D.
In our practice, we often face the question of building stone provenance on historic buildings. However, methods providing relevant answers to this question are mostly of a destructive character requiring sampling. Therefore, our research has focused on the use of reflectance spectrometry, which is a very promising and effective non-destructive method. This paper discusses the basic principles and possibilities of this method with regard to its application to historic buildings and decorative stone.
Building Regeneration

An Example of the Use of Available IT Technologies During the Renovation of the Castle in Nemysl

8.4.2024 | Ing. Denisa Boháčová, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Pavel Kuklík, CSc.
The paper presents the original condition of the castle in Nemyšl near Tábor together with the subsequent process of its rehabilitation. This requires a careful evaluation of its condition, determination of the remediation procedure along with condition monitoring to ensure safety on the construction site. To accomplish this task - the abbreviation SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) is used abroad - the available possibilities of current information technologies have been used.
Building Regeneration

Current Civil Engineering Activities Contributing to the Reliability and Sustainability of Historical Monuments

1.4.2024 | Ing. Denisa Boháčová, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Pavel Kuklík, CSc.
The paper deals with the role of engineers in the contemporary world. In particular, it is focused on presenting the current possibilities in preserving historical monuments and their maintenance. In two case studies, point out the new possibilities offered by computer technology and connecting the involved actors through the web. It also mentions the WEC 2023 World Engineering Convention in a certain way. Due to the scale, the first, general part is presented first, which is supplemented by the concept verification while monitoring the retaining wall of St. James Church in Nepomuk. In the following separate paper, an example of the use of these technologies in the rehabilitation of the castle in Nemyšl is presented in more detail.
Building Regeneration

Mechanismy, principy a procesy biokoroze stavebních materiálů způsobené mikroorganismy

16.12.2023 | Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Blahoslav Maršálek, CSc.
The occurrence of communities of photoautotrophic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria and algae can pose a serious problem for both natural and artificial building materials. There is a risk of gradual degradation, often to the point of complete disintegration of these materials. The authors of the article aim to find a suitable method of early warning and to avoid a situation where, on the basis of expert assessment, we can conclude that the process of destruction is already underway or even complete.
Building Physics

Činitel jasu a činitel odrazu světla ve výpočtech denního osvětlení

12.2.2024 | doc. Ing. Jan Kaňka, Ph.D., člen TNK 76 Osvětlení, ČKAIT Praha
When calculating the daylighting of buildings, the properties of shading obstacles are expressed either by means of a brightness factor or by means of a light reflection factor. The article reports on the relationship between these two factors and offers the JAFAS 2024 program to calculate the brightness factor in a simple urban situation.
Zjednodušený princip přenosu zvuku přes dělící trámovou konstrukciBuilding Physics

History and Acoustics of Traditional Timber Joist Floor Structures – 2nd Part

29.1.2024 | Ing. Lubor Kalousek, Ph.D., Ing. Zuzana Fišarová, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Vejpustek, Ph.D.
The article is focused on the issue of traditional timber joist floor structures and floor compositions from the period up to the first half of the 20th century. In building practice, we very often encounter these structures in residential buildings that are the subject of structural changes. During these interventions, the basic ideas of the original technical solution are not always respected and some physical parameters of building are degraded. The article describes the principles that were devoted to these types of structures in historical legislative and standard regulations and further in professional literature. The original historical solutions are presented on a practical example. In relation to building interventions in historic timber joist floor structures, current legislative and standard regulations are described, as well as examples of modern solutions and their limitations.
Princip práce s W-diagramemBuilding Physics

Selected Graphic Methods of Determining the Daylight Factor (Part 2)

15.1.2024 | doc. Ing. Jan Kaňka, Ph.D., Ing. Bc. Jaroslav Vychytil, Ph.D.
The article deals with the description of selected graphic-numerical methods used to determine the amount of daylight. The principle of derivation of these methods is explained and the principle of working with the relevant diagrams is described. Nowadays, we rarely see the use of diagrams in practice, but some professional software uses them either directly or at least in their graphical outputs.
Fotometrie činitele denní osvětlenosti, doc. Ing. Jan Kaňka, Ph.D.Building Physics

Selected Graphic Methods of Determining the Daylight Factor (Part 1)

8.1.2024 | doc. Ing. Jan Kaňka, Ph.D., Ing. Bc. Jaroslav Vychytil, Ph.D.
The article deals with the description of selected graphic-numerical methods used to determine the amount of daylight. The principle of derivation of these methods is explained and the principle of working with the relevant diagrams is described. Nowadays, we rarely see the use of diagrams in practice, but some professional software uses them either directly or at least in their graphical outputs.


Shell Construction | Insulation, Roofs, Facades | Windows, Doors | Floors, Partition Walls, Surfaces | Low Energy Buildings | Wooden Buildings | Building Regeneration | Building Physics